Pre rinse schnoodle style
Unfortunately they feel they never get to big or old for this one at our house....
Poodles love to see...,,
They love great vantage points so they can see what’s going on and be involved in the action
Do schnoodles like water....
I am asked this question again and again and today I thought I would share a photo shared with me.... Feel free to share your water baby...

I like to fish......
Hi everyone couldn't go past sharing these great pics sent to me by Anthony whose dog Gee is "going great guns Jo, a real character ,...

Hi Jo, We are so happy with our beautiful Mr. Basil, he's got the best personality. Thanks again for sending us such a wonderful dog !!!!...

Best mates ever
"To Jo, Dave and Jack, We are so pleased with our beautiful boy Bowie (Jacob). He has a loving, fun character and is great with people,...

Love me true
"To Jo, Dave and Jack, We are so pleased with our beautiful boy Bowie (Jacob). He has a loving, fun character and is great with people,...

Love to be with you
Thnks Jo..ditto to you. Yes she is a total per pic..Lulu n wendy

Hi Jo, snickers update 14/8/15